I love my garden, even when I find bugs I don't recognize. I used the wonders of Google to learn that this was one of the first instars (larval forms) of a green stink bug. They suck plant juices with a long tongue. Not a friend, but according to county extension office info, not worth spraying for.
My garden is my refuge, the place to go when things are not going well elsewhere, where I can lose myself looking for tomatoes or trying to get a good photo of a baby praying mantis. And if I want to work really hard, I can dig, weed, hoe, mulch, and water my way into a happily exhausted night of oblivion. I'm physically stronger than ever, and without the expense of a gym! Even when I go out fretting over some (usually silly) event of the day, I can return calmed and humbled by the ability of a small yard to produce such delicious abundance.
I've "tamed" a few semi-wild cats from the neighborhood, and the first one shyly came up behind me while I was weeding. The quiet, often rhythmic work of gardening fascinates the cats; they can watch me work for hours.
This will be my place to post pictures of the garden and the creatures in it, as well as information about the plants that do well (or not) for my own future reference. Maybe someone else will find it helpful, too.
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