Saturday, April 25, 2009

Strawberry Season

Today I am slicing and freezing strawberries. It is really easy. You can wash, drain, and freeze the slices (whole small ones can be frozen, but large ones should really be sliced so the freezing is uniform, and you can get them into bags or boxes fast afterward). You can also sugar-pack them in 2/3 or 3/4 cup of sugar for every quart of strawberries. That creates a nice, self-generated sauce for ice cream or shortcake... YUM! The orchard people were selling 8 quarts in a flat for $20. Considering that the quarts are very full, which means roughly 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 pounds of berries per quart, it was cheaper to buy a flat than to go to the U-pick-em site at $1.89/lb. 
No pictures today, but you can download a Powerpoint presentation from . Educational institutions and the USDA are the go-to points for learning how to preserve food safely. 
I hope to take out some of the sugar-packed ones later, for use in preserves when the appropriate eye of my stove is repaired. Woo hoo!

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