Monday, September 29, 2008

Calico Lima beans

Remember the pretty Calico/Christmas limas on the cover of Barbara Kingsolver's Animal, Vegetable, Miracle? I grew some of them this year. Maybe I overcooked them or something, but those pretty red and white beans wound up looking something like chicken gizzards. They were still good beans, though not as flavorful as the Lady Cream Peas last night. I still like their looks, pre-cooking, and the plants I gave plenty of room are producing prolifically.
Oh, the joy of ending today's work at the school, rushing home, feeding the cats, and picking beans in the cool of the evening! It is a great way to relax while doing a few slow leg exercises to get down and look under the exuberant foliage. No pictures today- a bit of a cold has me tired. Must sleep.

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