Thursday, April 23, 2009

Finding GW Carver's Bulletin

I got a request for help finding George Washington Carver's series of bulletins for the One Horse Farmer. They are not filed under his name! The author is "Alabama". To get to it quickly, go to Google books. Type in the following words: Bulletin Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Tuskegee. The first hit should be what you want. Good Stuff. If you're wondering, I was at a large biology conference over the past few days. Oy. I do not like big cities, or taxis, or hotel-canyons where you never see starlight. I like grass and trees. But I have to go to these conferences to build a professional reputation, so off I go. Also- traveling by train should be the wave of the future. It is efficient, and inexpensive (to New Orleans and back from Memphis for $100!!)and you get more room in COACH than you do in first class on a plane. The food is better and less expensive. I hope they open some east-west routes from Memphis soon. I would visit relatives back home a LOT more if they did so.

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