Monday, September 7, 2009


We have way too many hostas. All of them grew from one half-dead bunch I split when we moved into the house. It does not take a lot of talent or horticultural expertise to do this. These plants are survivors. Here's how I split them:
1. Dig up a gigantic mass o'plant. That is my foot (one foot long) for reference down there.

2. Use the Fearsome Hacking Implement to hack a piece of the plant with a sizeable root base off the main group. Usually in a large clump you'll find at least 2 or 3 smaller clumps that can be split fairly easily from each other.

3. Plant 
the newly-severed mini-plants and water generously. They'll need a bit of extra water the next few days, but they'll be fine, though some badly-hacked parts may wilt and die. It will come back next year bushier than ever. You will need to do this again. Praise God for manual labor on Labor Day!

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