Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My Fall Garden

Here is a lot of it, though not all. In the foreground are the sweet potatoes, looking to engulf the chard entirely and probably hiding a whole host of slugs and creeping things. In the middle (messy) bed are the melon plants, volunteers, and also a volunteer milo plant from the birdseed. At the back of the main bed is the cauliflower/ broccoli/ beet/ onion/ radish bed for fall. In the rear bed, across the front there is rosemary, Indian mint, oregano, and thyme. In the middle is one straggling amaranth plant (the others already died) and weeds. Across the back, the tall spindly red things are okra plants. Under the crape myrtles is an experimental spinach and kale bed- no germination noted since last week so far. On the right in front of the crape myrtles ( and growing into them) are my tomato and basil plants, with one volunteer melon in the mess of vines. Then the limas are down the fence row with  carrots, onions, bok choy, lettuces, and eggplant, and a little poke salad and Malabar spinach volunteered from last year. Whew! 

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