This is a good book. Granny (shown above) would have approved this statement.
"When any people, regardless of race or geographical location, have not been given skill of hand in youth, and taught to love labor, a direct result is the breeding of a worthless idle class, which spends a great deal of its time trying to live by its wits. If a community has been educated exclusively on books and has not been trained in habits of applied industry, an unwholesome tendency to dodge honest productive labor is likely to develop... they are likely to be fretting continually for fear that noone will be left to earn a living for them."
He did go on to say that book study has its place- but at school, people should study things, not just study about things.
Don't quite "love labor"? Do you know grandmas who can outpace you? I sure do, living on my street! What can we do? Don't do the guilt thing. Instead, get up and cook! The gardening catalogs will come soon, and with them the season of planning and preparation! Clean something, cook something, walk to a store. Soon you'll be helping Grandma- and she'll be proud. And you can know the joy of sheer physical exhaustion that makes falling into a clean, soft bed absolutely fabulous.
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