Sunday, December 28, 2008

Walking Keeps Me Going

This was the last surviving tomato. We ate it week before last. It was good on the outside, but the heart was rotten. The cold must have gotten to it.
I walked to the grocery store to pick up some more brown sugar this afternoon. It is a few miles each way. Quite a walk, but well worth it. After the front passed through last night, today was 20 degrees cooler, but sunny.  Walking is quite helpful for me. My joints hurt more when I sit than they do when I walk. We walked to the pizza place after we got back from our all-day post-Christmas drive home. That worked out a lot of kinks, and so did the walk today. Doctors used to tell people to lie around when things hurt, but now the research says what my own experience indicates: we need to move in order to be able to keep moving.

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