Today I raked up and piled about 12 wheel-barrow loads of leaves on the garden beds. When they settle in a few days, it won't even look piled up. Whatever rots between now and Feb/March becomes nutrients for new growth. Whatever does not becomes free mulch that will probably rot over the summer. I'm looking for free and low cost ways to do things, as the times do not seem good for lots of spending, even on mulch.
Hey! Here's a paper of interest:In the Journal of Women and Aging, dated 2002:14(3-4):139-48. L.W. Turner et al. studied the effects of various forms of exercise on bone density in older U.S. women. The verdict? Yard work and weight lifting had the best correlation with strong bones. Bicycling, walking, aerobics, and dancing were moderately predictive, and jogging, swimming, and calisthenics were only weakly predictive of bone density.
So rake those leaves! Shovel that snow! Dig those beds! And lift weights to get ready for the spring planting season! Your bones will thank you.
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