Thursday, November 27, 2008

Spot Likes Turkey, and I Do, Too

Lunch today was a big success. We ate the menu mentioned before. I put the 13-lb (minus the ice in the cavity) bird in the oven after completing the thaw (it was supposed to be fresh, according to the package) at about 4 AM. It was done by 10. I use a probe thermometer to make sure the meat gets up to 180 degrees F. We don't roast ours; it is oven braised, half-submerged in chicken broth and the liquid that cooks off the turkey. Soup material after the broth is strained. We don't carve our turkey; it falls off the bone. Mom and Dad came in just as I was removing the dressing and the sweet potato casserole from the 2 ovens. Brussels sprouts went in, veggies went on the stove, and we ate a little after 1 PM. I gave Spot a leg with some meat adhering to one end, and she was licking her lips over it when I went back inside. She did not run away when Mom and Dad were outside! She's a tame kitty after all, though she would not let Dad pet her.

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