Have you felt disturbed lately by the news of financial, environmental, and other crises? Everything seems to be a crisis of epic proportions. As my husband often says, the journalists seem to be rather "geeked out" lately, turning every new revelation into a Happening that will Change our Country Forever. We've never seen this before, but our great-grandparents would probably just smile, nod, and hand us a hoe and some seeds and canning jars. They and their politicians probably didn't mess up with quite so many zeroes, but it has happened before. As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun.
Today in a seminar about blood pressure I thought,"Who is really responsible for my health? Is the doctor? Is the mechanic responsible for keeping my car in good shape? The plumber and roofers for my house?" They all share in the responsibility, and are liable for any shoddy work they may do, but I only call them in for things I cannot repair myself. I am ultimately responsible for all the above- no mechanic stands by my car every morning to make sure I start it correctly or to remind me to get the oil changed. The doctor does not control what I eat or drink. The plumber does not come unless called. It is up to me, as far as God grants ability, to take care of the things under my control, and recognize when I need help. The doctors in these seminars sometimes act as if patients ought to be like rats, and should passively take drugs in ever-increasing amounts until the "clinical outcome" (which is all too often the adjustment of a number, and not necessarily restoration of true health) is reached. Thank God people are not rats! Let's get busy and help fix the things we can. Speaking of which... gotta go.
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