Saturday, November 1, 2008

Secrets of Perfect Happiness

O.K. Nothing is perfect in this life, but some days come close. This morning was one of those times. Slept late, snuggly warm, ate breakfast at the cafe, walked to the store for chips for a hike tomorrow, came home in the warm sunshine, and took a 3-hour nap (I actually have a cold that is sapping my energy) in the sunny south-facing living room.  
These are my secrets of Happiness:
1. Love God. Read the Bible and do what it says. Not the overly- literal old-testament law stuff the media ridicules and misunderstands intentionally, but the real stuff- love God, love your neighbor. That will keep you busy.
2.  Choose your spouse wisely, and Prepare to Serve. My husband is my best friend, which is good when you move from one place to another. We love and serve each other, which helps when times are hard. Think warm, positive thoughts of said spouse intentionally. Make your winter blankets just a little thin, and the room cool, to encourage togetherness.
3. Keep each other well fed. I am happy when my blood sugar is even, crabby when I have to go long without eating. My husband knows when I need a snack, and he likes to make sure I get enough food. Though he loves a verdant green lawn, he let me dig up the back yard to grow a bit of our own food. He knows what I like, and what I need.
4. Be satisfied with simple things. I like being warm (the down, stadium-length coat was a BIG HIT a few Christmases ago), and I like a good supply of very hot water for bathing. Give me food, shelter, warm clothes, a comfortable bed (a little on the hard side), and a hot shower, and I'm happy. A good library helps, too.

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