Thursday, January 15, 2009

Caring for Tools

I am learning from my mistakes on this one. No matter how tired you are, DO NOT LEAVE TOOLS OUTDOORS, OR LEAVE MUD ON THEM!! THEY WILL RUST!! The wooden handles will warp and crack faster if left wet.
Use an old rag to wipe dirt off your tools when you bring them in for the day. Burlap would be great, but we don't get potatoes in burlap bags anymore. My husband suggests wadding up the net bags in which we buy onions and citrus and using those. After really mucky work, hose tools off and dry them. At the end of the season, or if they've gotten wet, or if the handle starts to look dry or crack, oil the handles to prevent cracking, and the blades to prevent rust. Make sure the corner where you store them does not get wet in flooding rains, or that raccoons using your cat's water bowl for food-washing do not splash the tool. I had to apply naval jelly and a lot of elbow grease to a shovel because of my neglect. Do not repeat my mistake!

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