Sunday, January 25, 2009

Finishing the Planning Phase

So you've tested your soil, bought the necessary amendments, ordered seeds, started saving materials for seed flats, planned for handling the bugs and weeds and watering, and procured tools and PPE. What is next?
The waiting part, which is the most difficult one for me. I want to go out and DIG and PLANT, and that bitter North wind will NOT cooperate. O.K. I know that the bitter North wind here would feel like the balmy winds of spring to a Minnesotan, but it is still too cold to plant things. 
Even starting things too soon is disastrous, as you can create a backlog when weather does not cooperate with hardening plants and setting them out. You get root-bound, leggy plants that do not perform well. Patience is a virtue. Wait until around the frost date for frost-hardy items. Wait at least 2 weeks to one month after for frost-sensitive items. Our last frosts (and first blazing-hot days) are that unpredictable. So we wait, and bake cookies to warm up the kitchen.

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