Wednesday, February 25, 2009

G.W. Carver Bulletin 32-Meals For Farmers

The posts for the next few days will be from this bulletin. Wisdom if ever I read any!
This bulletin, entitled"Three Delicious Meals Every Day for the Farmer", was written in 1916. It appears to be public domain, so I'll quote it freely.
As we learn more about ourselves, and the relation of food to our well-being, we cannot but agree with those who have made it a study that "the prosperity of the nation depends on the health and morals of its citizens, and the health and morals of a people depend mainly upon the food they eat, and the houses in which they live. As a rule we are wasteful; we do not know how to save. Ignorance in the kitchen is one of the worst curses that ever afflicted humanity, and is directly or indirectly responsible for more deaths than all the armies combined.

He goes on to talk specifically about bad selection of food (not having nutrients to build a body or keep it healthy), bad combinations of food (creating a body "un-nourished and overstimulated"), and bad food preparation (he says 75% of those entrusted with it were deficient- in 1916!). This bulletin could be sent out today, and it would be timely. I would add more veggies to his rotation of meal plans, but as a plan for a one-horse farmer, he has very good ideas.

1 comment:

Agape Farmer said...

I like your thread on G.W. Carver. It is a most appropriate reminder of the practicalities that we have lost and need so desperately to revive. Thanks so much for guiding my attention to a great practical resource that crosses the cultural divide.

Interesting blog, AgapeFarmer