Friday, February 20, 2009

Means and Ends, or Self-Training

The above is the title of a book written by an anonymous female author, in 1839, for girls aged 10-16. Some of the medical physiology ideas are outdated, but it is chock-full of good stuff. Here's a good example about health:
Look, my young friends, at the mass of diseases that are incurred by intemperance in eating, or in drinking, or in study, or in business; by neglect of exercise, cleanliness, pure air; by indiscreet dressing, tight lacing, etc.... Were the physical laws strictly observed, from generation to generation, there would be an end to the frightful diseases that cut short life, and of the long maladies that make life a torment or a trial.

Our ancestors knew the value of cleanliness, exercise, and balanced diet as well as we do. It is a lot cheaper to prevent disease than treat it, so in these times try to stay healthy. Spend those discretionary pennies on good food, or grow some. Go outside and work the soil in the spring, even if it is only a few small pots. Your Great-grandcesters will smile.

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