Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Harvesting and Insecticide

Today I harvested one green onion (out of 3), 2 sugar snap peas, and a nasturtium flower. All went into dinner. It weighed a total of half an ounce. 
Verdict on the green onion: it had more pepper taste and less sliminess than those at the supermarket sitting under that water spray for who knows how long. I'm wondering if I still have time to interplant some more somewhere. Can't go near the wall of green beans according to the companion planting guides, and that's where I have space amid the surviving lettuces and radishes and carrots. 
The nasturtium did not taste radishy yet. It is at the back of the wall o' beans shown above. It really will be a wall of beans here in a few months. 
I saw a group of ants on the fence as I was harvesting the sugar snaps, and turned over a leaf to see a herd of aphids. Insecticidal spray time! I sprayed the cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower, too. Seems to be reducing the number of cabbage worms encountered. That is good!

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