Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fungi are Not My Friends

O.K. Maybe portobello and white button mushrooms are my friends, but that's it. I got my husband's foot and nail fungus after we started sharing a bathroom, and proved to be sensitive to the medication taken internally, so those fungi are NOT my friends. 
My Arkansas Traveler tomato plants are sick. I noticed some oddly yellow branches on one side toward the bottom of one plant a few weeks ago, during the unusual cool and wet weather we've been having, and promptly forgot about them. Now the crown of the plant is affected. It looks, from the tomato diagnostic pages I can find online, to be fusarium wilt. I am most saddened that I will not be able to grow those yummy fruits next year in that sunny spot. Arkansas Travelers are not fusarium wilt resistant, though they are very drought, heat, and crack resistant. I'll have to try another, more resistant variety. I would provide a sick plant pic, but it is raining too hard to risk taking the camera outside. There is a pale hope that I'm mistaking insect damage and overwatering from the massive rains we're getting lately for the wilt, but I doubt it. We shall see.

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