Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mitzi's Convalescent Home for Semi-Feral Cats

It is otherwise known as my garage. Jorge is living there now, and appears most mornings and afternoons, demanding his dinner. He's not moving as fast or as confidently as he did before he was injured a few months ago, before Spot's death. He does seem to be recovering, as his fur is growing back and he does not have any obvious long-term injuries, except a scar over one eye. He was lying on my husband's car when I left home Tuesday, and was still there when I got home. He was less skittish this morning than he has been lately. He came running when I opened the door, and talked to me a little, though I did not offer to pet him. I like my little companions, even if their lives are short and they only come to me for temporary assistance. I offer what I can.

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