Friday, October 17, 2008

Mending Pants

I have a Very Indian Looking outfit (shalwar chemise?)- long tunic like a minidress, long loose elastic-waisted pants, very comfy- that I like to wear this time of year. I finally finished the embroidery around the neckline this past year and was happy to wear it. I started it YEARS ago from fabric my mother gave me from her stash that may have been decades old, but was not rotten or anything. Well, I ripped the pants leg, one of those L-shaped tears taking up a square inch-and-a-half or so, coming in from the chiropractor tonight. Caught on a protruding piece of metal on the back door. Husband will repair the door. 
I must repair the outfit. If the repair shows too much, the hemline (it is close to the bottom of the pants) will get embroidery to match the neckline. I will fix it. I like the outfit too much. I'll post pics of the result.
I like traditional garments. When you wear them (not traditional formal wear-traditional peasant or workday clothes), you often find that they are more comfortable, functional (as in you can bend over without giving neighbors any views or get down to play with kids or go up a ladder for something), and beautiful than modern clothes. When I look at modern runway "fashion", the girls look a bit miserable. The clothes are awkward, ugly, and not something you would wear to scrub a sink or feed the kids.
 A shalwar chemise is a wonderfully comfortable garment. So is a simple shirt and elastic-waisted skirt combo like I bought in a traditional shop in Spain. the Spanish outfit is shown here. I bought the apron and scarf, too. I like aprons a lot. I'm too sad to show my other outfit yet.
Yes, those are athletic shoes. I embraced my inner geek long ago. If you like your arches, you should, too. Reaching an age at which you no longer care what others think of your feet as long as you're comfortable is a GOOD THING!!

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