Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Walking Alone vs. Walking Together

As I was covering ground fast to get to the car and home, to pick my beans and tomatoes and water my (still producing) pepper plants this evening, I noticed something about walking. I am tall and thin, with long limbs. Alone, I tend to break into a "loping" stride that really gets me there fast. It tends to leave other people behind. After I'm home and we go walking to discuss the events of the day and relax, neither of us (though both tall and thin, with similar stride lengths) walks as fast. We adjust to each other, hold hands, slow down, and walk side by side. Neither leaves the other. That is one of the best things about being married- not just the obvious needs met, but the simple companionship of a walk on a cool fall evening- and falling asleep holding hands at night. God blesses us most in the simplest joys.

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