Friday, August 7, 2009

Hug a Friend Today

The thing I enjoyed most about last week-end's reunion was the contact with old friends I had not seen in a long time. I got more hugs in one week-end than I remembered getting in years. I came home exhausted, but overflowing with those hugs, and ready to share. We hold back on physical affection (NOT SEX- a pat on the back, a hug, a high five, etc.) so much in this culture, linking all physical closeness to potential for improper behavior, that we wind up lonely. We don't even know why we huddle over our desks the way we do, searching for family in online social networks. The cure is simple- hug someone who needs it today. Not strangers, unless you're a nurse or a pastor or someone in the work of healing, but some single mother or new widow or college student away from home who hasn't been touched in weeks, by a friendly hand there to help. You'll improve their mental health and your own, too. Off to hug my loved one.

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