Monday, August 17, 2009

The Sound of Fear

Yesterday from an open window I looked out on a pleasant flock of sparrows, pecking around under the dogwood tree and drinking from my plant-watering bucket, looking for all the world like humans in a mall food court- eating, drinking, chattering, and looking around for their friends. Suddenly the flock was spooked by a general alarm, and all leaped into the holly bushes under the window, with several little heads peeking out from the branches. 
A hawk landed in the tree, facing the bushes like an armed terrorist arriving at the mall through the open doors, daring anyone to move. All the little heads disappeared into the bushes, and a shivering twittering sound began that I wish I could have recorded. Usually when the cats are around, the birds sit silently in the tops of the bushes until the cats lose interest and move on. The tiny birds were more terrified of the hawk than of the cats, and showed it by disappearing deeper into the bushes, and making that terrified sound.
I ran for the camera, but the hawk was gone by the time I returned. The sparrows were fleeing elsewhere as well, leaving the feeding site silent and still. 

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