Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Active Hunting

My wonderful husband decided to help me with the slug-repelling efforts this evening by generating sawdust for use as a dessicant. I sprinkled it liberally around the plants, but found some slugs going right over it later in the evening. Sad.  I decided to rake back the leaf mulch as much as possible and bag it to expose the soil. Glad I did, though I'm not done yet. On the center bed the leaves were piled several inches thick in places, so I was "raking" with a pitchfork. 
I went out after dark to do a little slug hunting. A little? In 50 minutes I caught 110 slugs, mostly tiny. Part of that time was indoors waiting to swap out the rechargeable battery on the flashlight. I'm lucky (or not) that they were climbing onto the cool, moist brick surfaces outside. I probably just captured the less intelligent ones. I'm going to try to go out before dawn and get more. Maybe I can "overfish" the backyard and turn them into  "endangered species" back there. We can pray.

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