Monday, March 16, 2009

Slug Hunter II: Return of the Slime

Wouldn't that just make the perfect title for a gardener-oriented horror film? We picked up the tarpaulin this evening after a very enjoyable walk in the late-afternoon sunshine to discover MORE SLUGS. So I went slug hunting again, just on the tarp, and caught a few dozen. Not kidding. It's enough to really creep you out about going into the back yard, especially considering an agricultural website I viewed yesterday, that said you only see about 5% of your population of slugs above ground. OY. Here is a very good website for identifying your slugs, if you are so inclined:

I found that we have 3 or 4 species back there, at least. A few are pictured for your enjoyment. That's my index finger, for scaling purposes. We have black field slugs, marsh slugs, and European Three-banded garden slugs. I just clean em up. Hope you can, too. I managed to grow some pretty healthy lettuce last year, so there is hope. Mulch with crushed eggshells, pine needles, ashes, sawdust, or other irritating stuff. If you wouldn't want to be barefoot in it, it'll probably irritate the slugs, too. Have fun, and hope we don't make any horror films.

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