Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snap Peas are Finally Planted!

Six of the eight seeds germinated. They were getting tall, and I was getting nervous that it might not warm up enough to plant them. Never fear, Tennessee weather is here! I planted them today because we have a sequence of several upcoming days of mild weather, and they won't suffer. The toilet-paper-roll pots start to decay early- these were seriously moldy when I took them out of the OJ carton to put them in the ground. I ripped them up one side to allow the plant roots to escape more easily (though the root of one plant was growing through the wet cardboard), then stuck them in a hole dug with a long, narrow hand trowel. After the January digging and the snow, I barely had to dig. The supports for the plants (to get them to the wooden fence) pushed easily into the soft soil. First plants in, about a month earlier than last year! Maybe they'll have time to mature before it gets too hot this year.

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