Friday, December 5, 2008

Spending Less and Getting More

I had to get groceries tonight due to a marathon cutting off all convenient routes south tomorrow from my neck of the woods. I loaded up with frozen mixed vegetable blends, potatoes, sweet potatoes, oranges, and other good-to-eat sale items. Cabbage was 55 cents a pound (albeit they were small ones), so I got one of those, too. Peasant potato soup, here we come! Must soak some white beans for it tonight. Well, I spent less than usual (though $90 for basically a week's groceries plus some stocking up is still crazy for two people), and I got more quantity. Paying attention to sales is good. 
I was saddened to see a woman in front of me making a WIC purchase- except for juice, it was almost ALL junk food! WIC and food stamps (now EBT) cover Cheetos, Soda, white bread, and ice cream? I can understand a little ice cream once in a while, but several half-gallons? The only veggies she had were turnip greens, the only real fruit some oranges. The contents of that cart would give ME diabetes before long.  I hope we get some real nutrition education and reform in the system, so poor kids can get some real food and a real chance at a better life. It costs a lot to eat healthily in an urban area (low salt and low sugar items cost more than regular. Real is more expensive than fake), but it costs more, long term, to neglect your body. Above is one of my harvests from summer. That's good eatin'.

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