Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Veggies are Important for mice, too

As part of my research (of professional as well as personal interest), I look at things that cause cancers and why they do. So I found a paper from the journal Carcinogenesis from 2001 (H.L. Newmark, et al.) in which normal, wild type mice were fed an altered chow that imitated the normal American diet (lots of fat, little folate and fiber, deficient in vitamin D and calcium) instead of their usual high-veg chow. These mice, without radiation or chemicals, spontaneously developed colon cancers (12/17 mice) after 18 months! Folate seemed to be important in this study. Cells growing improperly were found in the colon, breast (females), prostate(males) and pancreas in previous, short-term studies with low vitamin D and calcium.  
If a medication caused these problems, we would ban it. If living under power lines or near a chemical plant caused them, people would be out marching and writing letters to Congress. But it comes from the way we EAT, so we just settle in with our doughnut and coffee for breakfast, fast-food lunch, and pizza for dinner and wonder if we'll be able to afford enough pills to keep us alive as we age. 
That's why I buy A LOT of veggies, fruit, and whole grains, and we do consume dairy products.No, I'm not a supplement fan. Studies seem to be showing that getting your nutrients from real food, in the package God gave us, is best. When we eat what our bodies need, they respond with health and vitality. Your grandmother was right- eating your veggies is good for you. And your pet mouse, if you have one.

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