Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sometimes The Cold Helps You Make Friends

It is supposed to get down into the 20s tonight. When I got home after dark, a black, furry shadow appeared at the corner of the garage, his pupils so large that he was invisible when he crept into the shadows. Jorge is back. Spot would usually be very hissy about that, but tonight she was moderating her usual hostile behavior, even sniffing him a little while he was eating. Maybe she realizes that a warm companion would help her get through these cold winter nights.
Husband is sure a help for me. It is amazing how much warmer sleeping is with two people! A cat is fine, but too small to cover much surface area. My previous cat, Felicia, slept on my bed before I got married. She seemed to know when I was sad or lonely- then she slept very close. At other times she played kitty practical jokes, sneaking up to my ear at 2AM, meowing, then jumping off the bed. If cats could laugh, she would have been giggling. 
Anyway, I hope Jorge and Spot can patch up their differences for long enough to keep each other warm. I closed the garage to hold in the heat from the car, and there is an old sweater and a sweatshirt in a box where she often sleeps. They should be OK.

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