Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sewing Makes Me Happy

I went to a fabric store to get some material to finish the projects for A and E (2 year old niece and 4 year old nephew) today. A woman cutting fabric, working in a fabric and craft store, confessed that she did not like to sew.
I really like to sew.
I guess part of its charm for me is that I do not get time to do it very much. With a machine and a well-designed pattern, it can be easy and the results always come out custom-made. A tangible result for your labor, not a number to be exchanged between banks. It's another one of those things it does not "pay" to do, if you measure your time in $20/hr increments. But neither does reading blogs or watching reality television. Most of the time cruising the net or watching the tube will not yield the benefits of an hour with needle in hand- busy hands that still the worried mind, a project nearing completion, something made personally for someone you love. If you've never sewn before, try sewing on a button or repairing a small hole in something. Or take the leap, get a machine, and make some bags to take to the grocery store, or stitch two pieces of fleece together to make a cosy winter blanket. A host of internet sites exist to show you how. Get stitching!

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